From a learning adventure to a bright future.
Family gives us love to belonging, to being and to becoming throughout our learning adventure. We inspire our little adventurer/dreamer to be disciplined doers and problem-solvers, turning each learning adventure towards a limitless future.
Children’s learning experiences at home are extended in the educational environment which has a significant affect on children’s involvement and success in learning. Therefore, our programs are done with reference to the National Quality Framework (NQF) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). To create a safe and secure environment where children can become independent and confident individuals.
We want to help our children build a respectful relationship of trust and empathy. Aim to foster great minds, great explorers and great communicators through our well-planned learning experience with open wider resources and detailed documentation of children’s learning journeys.
Belonging is knowing where you belong and to whom you belong with. Everyone belongs to a family, a culture, a neighbourhood and the wider community.
- Multicultural week.
- My portfolio booklet “I am who I am”
- FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You (Drama play)
Being is present day of a child’s life. It is a time where children can make meaning of the world.
- Montessori work cycle (eg. Practical life skills, Math concept and problem solving skills)
- Little gardener (eg. Children will take turns on duty for taking care our little garden)
- Sustainability corner
Becoming is where children grow, learn and develop based on their experience.
- NQS and EYLF monthly curriculum
- ‘WANNA PLAY’ art, music and physical movement program = We Are Not Normal Artist.
Children can be enrolled in a public school if they turn five on or before July 31st of that schooling year. All children must be enrolled in primary school by their 6th birthday.
Before the start of the school term, the parents or carers of children who are new kindergarten enrolments may be asked to have an interview with the school principal. This meeting provides parents or carers with a good opportunity to discuss and arrange any special circumstances, allergies and/or additional support required for their child.
Many families rely on feedback from their child’s preschool teachers to help determine whether their child is ready for school. Whilst your child is at Little Genius Academy – One York, the teachers will conduct individual and group observations of your child’s time in care. These observations will be posted on the secure ChildCarers Website in your child’s Learning Journal and will help to provide an insight as to whether your child will be ready for school. If you have any problems accessing ChildCarers, please talk to a staff member to reset your account.
There are many developmental criteria that may help to determine whether a child is ‘school-ready’. Below is a list of factors that the educators may look for to assess whether your child will be able to cope with the demands of formal schooling:
Child’s Social and Group Skills- Communicate needs and wants to teachers and other children;
- Answer and ask simple questions;
- Listen, be attentive and focus on group and individual tasks;
- Follow directions and simple rules;
- Work independently with minimal supervision;
- Share an adult’s attention with several other children;
- Play, take turns, share and work cooperatively with other children;
- Deal with conflict and have the confidence to ask for help.
- Follow a structured daily routine whilst coping with changes;
- Take responsibility for their belongings;
- Learn new concepts and attempt to solve new problems.
- Dress themselves, toilet trained and confidently open small things (e.g., lunch boxes and wrappers);
- Confidently use basic writing and craft implements (e.g., pencils and scissors);
- Participate in other activities that require eye-hand and motor co-ordination (e.g., throwing and catching).
- Write their own name;
- Recognise and name all letters of the alphabet;
- Count from 1 to 20;
- Identify basic shapes and colours.
Activities at Home
Helping your child become ‘school- ready’ is not limited to activities at care. Here is a list of other activities that can be done in the home environment:Literacy Activities
- Provide activities for your child to be able to recognise their name;
- Encourage drawing, art and craft activities (e.g., trace different letters, copy different shapes);
- Read (and encourage the child to read) books appropriate for their age.
- Lots of outdoor play with running, climbing and jumping;
- Encouraging the development of fine motor skills e.g., correctly holding pencils or scissors;
- Encourage independent toileting and dressing.
- Talking to your child regularly and encouraging them to express their own thoughts, emotions and needs confidently;
- Explain rules in different group times and encourage children to lose or win gracefully.